Tuesday, April 22, 2014



Thanks for visiting my blog! I've wanted to start a blog for quite a while but struggled with what I could blog about! I'm certainly not an expert in any one area. I'm a 36 year old stay at home mom of two boys, ages 10 and 6. I've stayed home off and on since I had my oldest son. Therefore, a career based blog was certainly out as an option! Also, the last thing I need to blog about is fashion, beauty products, or anything of the sort!

What I realized I could offer to the blogging world is my unique perspective on traveling and living in different areas of the United States! I also plan on throwing in a few of my tried and true recipes because I love to cook and some of my low cost decorating and renovation redo's! Is this a hodge podge of a blog? Maybe, but I'd like to think not because I think these are all things many women are interested in!

My unique perspective...
I'm sure you are wondering why I think I would have a unique perspective on traveling and different places in the U.S.  My answer to that is I've been fortunate enough to live in many different towns and states. Here's a list just to give you an idea:

Charleston, SC
Cullowhee, NC
Birmingham, AL
Orange Beach, AL
Auburn, AL
Gulf Shores, AL
Anderson, SC
Atlanta, GA
Bethesda, MD
Potomac, MD

Notice a theme? All are in the south!  Well, TECHNICALLY Maryland is the south (south of the Mason-Dixon Line, right?) but I am here to tell you IT IS NOT THE SOUTH. In addition, I've yet to meet a Marylander who thought of themselves as southern. Living in a place that is not southern has made me very aware of my southern roots! It makes me appreciate them more than I would otherwise! 

I hope I'm able to pass along some of my unique perspectives with a southern twist! I love exploring new places and new things and I look forward to sharing all of these with you! Thanks for reading!